Panhellenic Council Formal Recruitment
Wednesday 9/25/19
Meet at the Inverted Fountain
All Day

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Formal recruitment is the process by which active members of our 11 NPC member chapters meet potential new members (PNMs) interested in joining the Panhellenic community. Registering and attending Orientation is required.
Meet at the Inverted Fountain
Round 1
Tue 9/24
8 AM–10:30 PM
Round 2
Wed 9/25
9:30 AM–9:30 PM
Round 3 PART ONE
Thu 9/26
6–11 PM
Fri 9/27
5–11 PM
Preference Night
uclapanhellenic for location
Sat 9/28
2–8 PM
Bid Day
Ackerman Grand Ballroom
Sun 9/29
12–5 PM
- Fraternity & Sorority Life